If I add the second table to the fields array, the return is empty

Find using INNER JOIN over two tables. If I add the second table to the fields array, the return is empty; if I don’t add the second table to the fields array rows are returned.

CakePHP 2.3


  • Corporation model class
  • hasMany associations
    public $hasMany = array(‘Order’ => array(‘className’ => ‘Products.Order’));
    The orders table has the required field corporation_id.


  • Order model class
  • belongsTo associations
    public $belongsTo = array(‘Corporation’ => array(‘className’ => ‘Products.Corporation’));

Corporation model class:

  • Pull orders from a specific corporation
  • @param int $id of corporation
  • @param array $options
  • @return array
    public function getOrders($id, $options = array()) {
    $return = array();
    if (!$id) {
    return $return;
    $joins = array(
    ‘table’ => ‘orders’
    , ‘alias’ => ‘Order’
    , ‘conditions’ => array(
    'Order.corporation_id = ’ . $this->alias . ‘.id’
    $data = $this->find(
    , array(
    ‘conditions’ => array(
    $this->alias . ‘.id’ => $id
    , ‘joins’ => $joins
    , ‘fields’ => array(
    $this->alias . '.

    , ‘Order.*’ // leaving this in results in an empty set
    // remarking this out returns the appropriate results but with no fields from the orders table
    return $data;