How to Sum value according to other column value in Cakephp?

Hi, I’m working on a Cakephp project. I want to find sum value from a table according to id.

I’m cakephp learner and working on a project. I have a problem. I did google but unable to find the right solution. I hope, I can find the solution here.

Here is My Code.

function getCompanySales(){
$from = date(“Y-m”)."-01 00:00:00";
$days_in_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date(‘m’), date(‘Y’));
$to = date(“Y-m”)."-".$days_in_month." 24:00:00";
‘conditions’ => array(
“AND” =>array(
“Customer.created >=” => $from,
“Customer.created <=” => $to
return $companiessales;
} // Get Company list
and I’m getting result like

Array ( 
[0] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 10 [amount] => 349 ) ) 
[1] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 7 [amount] => 150 ) ) 
[2] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 13 [amount] => 349 ) ) 
[3] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 10 [amount] => 350 ) ) 
[4] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 7 [amount] => 100 ) ) 
[5] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 9 [amount] => 299 ) ) 
[6] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 7 [amount] => 249 ) ) 
[7] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 10 [amount] => 249 ) ) 
[8] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 7 [amount] => 299 ) ) 
[9] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 12 [amount] => 199 ) ) 
[10] => Array ( [Customer] => Array ( [gateway] => 7 [amount] => 150 ) )      )

But I want to Sum the Value with same gateway like

[7] => 948 //sum of gateway 7
[9] => 299 //sum of gateway 9
[10] => 948 //sum of gateway 10
[12] => 199 //sum of gateway 12
[13] => 349 //sum of gateway 13

In another query =>

[7] => company 1
[9] => company 2 
[10] => company 3
[12] => company 4
[13] => company 5


I want a final result as

[company1] => 948
[company1] => 299
[company1] => 948
[company1] => 199
[company1] => 349

Thanks for all your help. I’m sure I’ll get the easy steps to resolve the issue.

I’m using Cakephp Version 2.6.1

Please some one check and guide me.

You should be able to do this in a single query using associations, containable, find('list') and group.


Something like

$model->virtualFields = array('amount_sum' => 'sum(amount)');
        'fields' => array('', 'amount_sum'),
        'conditions' => array(
            "Customer.created >=" => $from,
            "Customer.created <=" => $to
        'contain' => ['Company'],
        'group' => ['Customer.gateway']

Something like that should work provided associations are correctly configured.

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