How to hide url bar showing id while editing form in cakephp 3.6.7

how to hide url bar showing id while editing form in cakephp 3.6.7

this is a link
echo $this->Html->link(__(‘Edit’, true), array(‘action’=>‘edit’, $loggeduser[‘id’])) ;

url bar is:
how to hide 83…?

please help me

thanks & regards,

How to reference posts for editing?

If the id is the logged in user. Than you can just remove it from the link and manually ad it at the controller

if removing id how to get exact value…?

anyone give solution for the bellow error…?

Class ‘Security’ not found

working fine…

If you use AuthComponent than it is $this->Auth->user('id')

i am using encryption and decryption method

In any way you should have the user data in your session, right? :slight_smile:


if any doubts ill get back to you

thanks & regards,

You can use a username field or a slug field and route the queries using the username or slug instead of the ID