How to get $user->getOriginalData()->is_admin to work?

Sorry if this is dumb question. I am new to php and CakePHP. I am implementing the Authentication and Authorization plugins into my system and doing so in accordance with the CookBook documentation.

The CookBook provides an example of implementing a Policy Pre-Condition:

namespace App\Policy;

use Authorization\Policy\BeforePolicyInterface;

class ArticlesPolicy implements BeforePolicyInterface
    public function before($user, $resource, $action)
        if ($user->getOriginalData()->is_admin) {
            return true;
        // fall through

The CookBook also explains how to use your User class as the Identity:

namespace App\Model\Entity;

use Authorization\AuthorizationServiceInterface;
use Authorization\IdentityInterface;
use Authorization\Policy\ResultInterface;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;

class User extends Entity implements IdentityInterface
     * Authorization\IdentityInterface method
    public function can($action, $resource): bool
        return $this->authorization->can($this, $action, $resource);

     * Authorization\IdentityInterface method
    public function canResult($action, $resource): ResultInterface
        return $this->authorization->canResult($this, $action, $resource);

     * Authorization\IdentityInterface method
    public function applyScope($action, $resource)
        return $this->authorization->applyScope($this, $action, $resource);

     * Authorization\IdentityInterface method
    public function getOriginalData()
        return $this;

     * Setter to be used by the middleware.
    public function setAuthorization(AuthorizationServiceInterface $service)
        $this->authorization = $service;

        return $this;

    // Other methods

I have implemented this and now $user->getOriginalData() works for me. However, I do not know how to implement the ->is_admin component. Sorry - the term component is probably wrong, but I don’t know what the correct term should be.

My Users model has a column with the name role and has values like Admin, User, etc..

I can call $user->getOriginalData()->role and successfully obtain values from that column.

So, do I need to add more methods to my Model\Entity\User.php or is the ->is_admin component meant to be provided inherently from the Authentication plugin?

Thanks in advance for your help.

$user->getOriginalData()->is_admin is just an example of something you might use to give access to an admin. You’re writing the policy code, write whatever code you need there to do what you need it to.

Thanks @Zuluru. Understood. It also dawned on me that the example in the cookbook assumes the Users model has a boolean is_admin column. doh.

Could also be a virtual field, but yeah.

Thanks heaps @Zuluru ! That’s a perfect solution.