How To Convert LEFT JOIN SQL Statement into CakePHP coding

This is the statement I would like to use convert using CakePHP

SELECT appearances.member_id,, appearances.created
FROM appearances
LEFT JOIN members ON members.mbrid = appearances.member_id

In the list of appearances (templates/Appearances/index.php) I can display the name of the members instead of just the member_id. And of course other fields in the members table if I need to.

What does your index function look like? If the table associations are all set up correctly, it should be a simple matter of containing the Members association, and then your template will have something like $appearance->member->name instead of $appearance->member_id.

This is what my table class looks like. Please note, the foreign key is not members table’s primary key.

class AppearancesTable extends Table
    public function initialize(array $config): void
        $this->belongsTo('Members', [
            'foreignKey' => 'mbrid'

This is what my table association looks like. My index.php resulted in:
Trying to get property 'mbr_name' of non-object mbr_name is the name in the members table.

This is the code I used in the index.php
<?= $appearance->member->mbr_name ?>

Did you add the containment to where you’re reading the list of appearances?

That’s it. done and it works. Great. I added it on the controller file

public function index()
      $appearances = $this->Paginator->paginate($this->Appearances->find('all', [
        'order' => ['Appearances.created' => 'DESC'],
        'contain' => ['Members']

That looks exactly right.

SELECT appearances.member_id,, appearances.created, batches.grade_id
    FROM appearances 
    LEFT JOIN members ON members.mbrid = appearances.member_id
    LEFT JOIN batches ON members.mbrid = batches.member_id
    WHERE = 1 AND (batch.subno = 0 OR batch.subno = 1)

How do I manage this kind of SQL?

  1. For MembersTable: $this->hasMany('Batches')->setForeignKey('member_id');

  2. For AppearancesController::index()

     $visits = $this->Paginator->paginate($this->Visits->find('all', [
             'order' => ['Visits.created' => 'DESC'],
             'contain' => ['Members', 'Members.Batches']
  3. For index.php: <?= $visit->member->batch->grade_id ?>

But I get this error message: Notice (8): Trying to get property 'grade_id' of non-object in the display page.

And I still haven’t add a WHERE clause in the code – not sure where to put this…

Since members hasMany batches, it’s not $visit->member->batch, it’s $visit->member->batches, and it’s an array.

To add the where clause, I think you may need to convert your query to use the functional mode instead of array parameters, something like this (untested):

$query = $this->Visits->find()
        'Members' => ['Batches' => [
            'queryBuilder' => function (Query $q) {
                return $q->where(['' => 1, 'OR' => ['batch.subno' => 0, 'batch.subno' => 1]]);
    ->order(['Visits.created' => 'DESC']);
$visits = $this->Paginator->paginate($query);

Quite possible that this can work with the array method too, I just never do it that way; I find the functional approach more flexible and expressive. Here’s the documentation on passing conditions to contain.


I tried the code above. I’m not sure if it’s right but in the debug, I get two (2) SQL statements instead of only one which is this:

SELECT visits.member_id, members.mbr_name, visits.created, batches.grade_id
FROM visits
LEFT JOIN members ON members.mbrid = visits.member_id
LEFT JOIN batches ON batches.member_id = members.mbrid
WHERE batches.batch = '2020' AND (batches.sub_batch = '0' OR batches.sub_batch = '1')
ORDER BY visits.created DESC


SELECT AS Visits__id, 
  Visits.member_id AS Visits__member_id, 
  Visits.vst_datetime AS Visits__vst_datetime, 
  Visits.location_id AS Visits__location_id, 
  Visits.created AS Visits__created, 
  Visits.modified AS Visits__modified, AS Members__id, 
  Members.mbrid AS Members__mbrid, 
  Members.mbr_name AS Members__mbr_name, 
  Members.mbr_type AS Members__mbr_type, 
  Members.created AS Members__created, 
  Members.modified AS Members__modified 
  visits Visits 
  LEFT JOIN members Members ON Members.mbrid = (Visits.member_id) 
  Visits.created DESC 
  20 OFFSET 0


  Batches.member_id AS Batches__member_id 
  batches Batches 
    Batches.member_id in (
      187, 1471, 1470, 1463, 250, 350, 1000, 
      501, 300, 255, 254, 253, 3, 303, 215, 
      305, 202, 201
    AND Members.Batches.batch = '0' 
    AND Members.Batches.sub_batch = '0'

This is as expected for a hasMany relationship. Each visit will have a member, each member will have an array of batches.

I know, but in this case, I just want the result to be:

visits.member_id,, visits.created,batches.grade_id

For the grade_id, I got this error message: Notice (8): Trying to get property 'grade_id' of non-object
code to display grade: <?= $visit->member->batch->grade_id ?>

Controller-> find() code used

        'Members' => ['Batches' => [
            'queryBuilder' => function (Query $q) {
                return $q->where(['Batches.batch' => 1, 'OR' => ['Batches.sub_batch' => '0', 'Batches.sub_batch' => '1']]);
    ->order(['Visits.created' => 'DESC']));

Again, as written, there’s no batch property on member, it’s batches. If you absolutely cannot deal with an array in there, and are instead wanting to get 5 copies of the visit and member data if there’s 5 batches that go with it, then follow the suggestion you got on StackOverflow.

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This code seem to get me the right SQL I’m looking for:

$visits = $this->Paginator->paginate($this->Visits->find()
        ->select(['Members.mbrid', 'Members.mbr_name', 'Visits.created', 'Batches.grade_id'])
        ->where(['Batches.batch' => '2020', 'Batches.sub_batch' => '0'])
        ->order(['Visits.created' => 'DESC'])

What’s the code to use in index.php to access the data:

<?= $visit->member_id ?> doesn't seem to work...

Notice (8): Trying to get property 'mbrid' of non-object [ROOT/templates/Visits/index.php, line 20] is the error message.

In Debug mode, there is one variable visits and below is the content of one visits row

1 (App\Model\Entity\Visit)

    created (Cake\I18n\FrozenTime)
    _matchingData (array)
        Members (array)
            mbrid 250
            mbr_name John Doe
        Batches (array)
            grade_id gr7

I thought _matchingData was only present when you use the ->matching() call in your query. Couldn’t tell you why it’s showing up here.

The SQL generated is exactly what I needed:

  Members.mbrid AS Members__mbrid, 
  Members.mbr_name AS Members__mbr_name, 
  Visits.created AS Visits__created, 
  Batches.grade_id AS Batches__grade_id 
  visits Visits 
  LEFT JOIN members Members ON Members.mbrid = (Visits.member_id) 
  LEFT JOIN batches Batches ON = (Batches.member_id) 
    Batches.batch = '2020' 
    AND Batches.sub_batch = '0'
  Visits.created DESC 

I run this query in phpmyadmin and I got the result I need. The problem is I don’t know how to access them…
<?= $visit->created->format(DATE_RFC850) ?> this code is the only code that displays the correct data. The others gave me the error message.
Trying to get property 'xx' of non-object

Looking at the structure of the $visit variable you showed, it would seem that $visit->_matchingData['Members']['mbrid'] would work. I have no idea why it’s coming in that structure.

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