How to change binding key for joining two tables?

I am trying to join two tables between Deliveries and Employees. The two keys that join the tables are the EMPLOYEEID on the employees table and the DRIVERID on the Deliveries table. I have reason to believe that my associations are correct in the table classes but no matter what I change I end up getting the default as the binding key and not Employees.EMPLOYEEID. What am I doing wrong?

SELECT Deliveries.DELIVERYID AS `Deliveries__DELIVERYID`, Deliveries.DSTATUS AS `Deliveries__DSTATUS` FROM deliveries Deliveries LEFT JOIN employees Employees ON ** = (Deliveries.DRIVERID)',**

I have the following

class DeliveriesTable extends Table
    public function initialize(array $config)

    public function beforeMarshal(Event $event, ArrayObject $data, ArrayObject $options)
        $date = new \DateTime($data['ORDERDATE']);
        $time = new \DateTime($data['ORDERTIME']);
        $data['ORDERDATE'] = $date->setTime($time->format('H'), $time->format('i'), $time->format('s'));        
class EmployeesTable extends Table
    public function initialize(array $config)

This ended up solving my issue:
