How isAuthorized with condition?

Hello, by default I have that if you are not an administrator user can not access the edit page, the edit page, is passed as argument the user id, but I want that a user can access to edit your page, but not the others, now I have the function isAuthorized, this way:

public function isAuthorized($user) {   
 if((!isset($user['role'])) || ('' === $user['role'])) {
           return false;
         else {
            if('edit' === $this->request->getParam('action')) {
              if('admin' === $user['role']) {
                return true;
              elseif('user' === $user['role']) {
                return false;
           else {
             return true;

But if the user matches your id you can edit. Something like that:

    if('edit/23' === $this->request->getParam('action'))
       if($user['id'] === 23} {
          return true;

Probably something along these lines:

if((!isset($user['role'])) || ('' === $user['role'])) {
    return false;
else {
    if('edit' === $this->request->getParam('action')) {
        //assuming getParam() works with dot notation
        if('admin' === $user['role'] || $user[$id] == $this->request->getParam('pass.0')) {
            return true;
        elseif('user' === $user['role']) {
            return false;
    else {
        return true;

For specifics, you’ll want to understand passed arguments in the request. This is for v4 and here


oohh thank you

pass.0 picks up the first parameter and you can compare it with the user thanks