How can I create a virtual summation field by entity

CakePHP 3.x
I have records which have a sq. mileage field. I want to sum these fields by date, so regardless of display page, order, etc. the value by entity will be the same. e.g.:

|id|   date   |sqmiles|total|
|1 |2010-10-10|   2   |  2  |
|2 |2011-11-11|   3   |  5  |
|3 |2012-12-12|   1   |  6  |
|id|   date   |sqmiles|total|
|3 |2012-12-12|   1   |  6  |
|1 |2010-10-10|   2   |  2  |
|2 |2011-11-11|   3   |  5  |

My starting thoughts were a virtual field where it requests the following SQL: SELECT SUM(sq_miles) FROM table WHERE date <= ($this->_properties['date']); but with CakePHP3’s new ORM I don’t know how to put that into code in the entity.

I figured out a solution that works. Check for answer if you are interested.