Hello, I need help.
I have a two tables business_departments and companies with association type hasMany.
I need to modify companies list consisting in the department. Code was generated via bake, after that I modified it.
$businessDepartment = $this->BusinessDepartments->get($id, [
'contain' => ['Companies']
$companies = $this->BusinessDepartments->Companies->find('list')->where([
'Companies.active' => true,
'Companies.type IS NOT' => 'service',
'OR' => [
'business_department_id IS NULL',
'business_department_id' => $id
if ($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put'])) {
$businessDepartment = $this->BusinessDepartments->patchEntity($businessDepartment, $this->request->getData(), ['associated' => ['Companies']]);
if ($this->BusinessDepartments->save($businessDepartment)) {
$this->Flash->success(__('The business department has been saved.'));
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
$this->Flash->error(__('The business department could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
$this->set(compact('businessDepartment', 'companies'));
First save with added companies is success, but when I tried to modify companies list (And if try to save without changes) I get error.
Can I save via *._ids or I need to make a custom code for it?
Thank you. I hope for quick answer.
But after patchEntity, instead of searching for companies and changing the bussines_department_id fields in them, patchEnity tries to create new companies and displays an error. Below is a fragment of screenshot. debug($businessDepartment) and screenshot page
So, you have some departments, say A, B and C. And each department has some companies, say department A has companies M and N, B has S and T and C has X, Y and Z. And you’re trying to move company M from department A to department B?
No. There are several departments and several companies. I need to add and remove companies from the editing department (not move them). When you first edit, I select the necessary companies and their business_department_id changes, with subsequent saving of the entity, an error occurs.
No, Companies can belong to one department, department can has many companies. So I need to change business_department_id into companies table from business department editing. Usually I change foreignKey from entity in wich it located. As I wrote before, I can make custome code, but if _ids is working, I would like a use it. Have a nice day.
you have validation errors in your company related data, thats why you cant save it, if you want to just use _ids as save try clearing companies field in your $businessDepartment i.e.