Function in controller

I have a probably simple problem, but do not see the solution.
in the controller I wrote a function in an action and I can’t access the return values, because the variable is supposedly not defined…

function test(){
            $test = 1;
            return $test;

        echo $test;

Can anyone help me?
Thanks and best regards

Are you aware that echo $test; is not actually in your function?


my code:

class AllocationsController extends AppController


  public function a()


       function b(){
       --do something e.g.-- 
            $test = 1;
            return $test;


output: null

i can not get $test outside of function b().

ok, thanks!
the solution is: i have to use references…

class AllocationsController extends AppController


function b(){
       --do something e.g.-- 
            $test = 1;
            return $test;

  public function a()

      $test = $this->b();


You need to put function outside function and call that function in function.

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