FrozenTime in where clause

I have the following sample code:

$query = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Decedents')->find('all')
                $baseExpression = $query->newExpr()->or([
                                             $query->newExpr()->between('Appointments.dtBeginn', $begin, $end),
                                             $query->newExpr()->between('Appointments.dtEnde', $begin, $end),
                $ressourcen = $query
                          'nAppointmentCount' => $query->func()->count(''), 
                          'nRessourcen' => $query->func()->sum('Categories.nRessourcen')
                        ->innerJoinWith('Appointments', function($q) use ($baseExpression, $begin) {
                          return $q->where($baseExpression)
                          ->where(['Appointments.dtBeginn' => FrozenTime::now()])
                          ->where(['Appointments.dtBeginn' => $begin]);

                        ->where(['Appointments.dtBeginn' => FrozenTime::now()])

And here’s the resulting SQL query:

SELECT TOP 1 (COUNT( AS nAppointmentCount, (SUM(Categories.nRessourcen)) AS nRessourcen FROM Verstorbene Decedents INNER JOIN TrmBelegung Appointments ON ((Appointments.dtBeginn BETWEEN '26.04.24, 10:01' AND '26.04.24, 12:59' OR Appointments.dtEnde BETWEEN '26.04.24, 10:01' AND '26.04.24, 12:59') AND Appointments.dtBeginn = '2024-04-23 11:58:58' AND Appointments.dtBeginn = '2024-04-26 08:01:00' AND Appointments.nVNr = Decedents.nVNr) LEFT JOIN TrmKategorie Categories ON ((Decedents.nFNr = Categories.nFNr OR Categories.nFNr IS NULL) AND (Categories.mandant_id = Decedents.mandant_id AND Categories.nSchl = Decedents.nKategorie) AND (Categories.deleted) IS NULL) WHERE Appointments.dtBeginn = '2024-04-23 11:58:58'

The variables $begin and $end are FrozenTime objects with a Timezone property. In the database, I persist UTC datetimes, so these values have to be converted.

Sometimes the values were converted to utc by the framework and formatted correctly, sometimes not. But why?

Very weird that the between clauses are formatting the same variable differently than the other where clause does.

okay, some new insights:

$query = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Decedents')->find('all')
                        ->contain(['Categories', 'Appointments']);
                        'nTermine' => $query->func()->count(''), 
                        'nRessourcen' => $query->func()->sum('Categories.nRessourcen')
                $baseExpression = $query->newExpr()->or([
                                             $query->newExpr()->between('Appointments.dtBeginn', $uhrzeitbeginn, $uhrzeitende),
                                             $query->newExpr()->between('Appointments.dtEnde', $uhrzeitbeginn, $uhrzeitende),
                                                $query->newExpr()->eq('Appointments.dtBeginn', $term->dtBeginn),
                                                $query->newExpr()->eq('Appointments.dtEnde', $term->dtEnde)
                $ressourcen = $query
                        ->where(['Decedents.mandant_id' => $this->mandant_id])
                        ->where($query->newExpr()->in('Appointments.kBelegt', ['R', 'B']))
                        ->matching('Appointments', function($q) use ($baseExpression) {
                            return $q->where($baseExpression);
                        ->matching('Appointments.Groups', function ($q) use ($group) {
                            return $q->where(['Groups.nId' => $group->nId]);

SELECT TOP 1 (COUNT( AS nTermine, (SUM(Categories.nRessourcen)) AS nRessourcen FROM Verstorbene Decedents LEFT JOIN TrmKategorie Categories ON ((Decedents.nFNr = Categories.nFNr OR Categories.nFNr IS NULL) AND (Categories.mandant_id = Decedents.mandant_id AND Categories.nSchl = Decedents.nKategorie) AND (Categories.deleted) IS NULL) LEFT JOIN TrmBelegung Appointments ON (Appointments.mandant_id = Decedents.mandant_id AND Appointments.nVNr = Decedents.nVNr) WHERE ((Appointments.dtBeginn BETWEEN ‘2024-04-26 08:01:00’ AND ‘2024-04-26 10:59:00’ OR Appointments.dtEnde BETWEEN ‘2024-04-26 08:01:00’ AND ‘2024-04-26 10:59:00’ OR (Appointments.dtBeginn = ‘2024-04-26 09:00:00’ AND Appointments.dtEnde = ‘2024-04-26 10:00:00’)) AND Decedents.mandant_id = 3015 AND Appointments.kBelegt IN (‘R’,‘B’))

The values can be converted and formatted correctly when I include the appointment association in the contain() method.

However, I have a hasAndBelongsToMany association to Groups, and when I uncomment the matching method to Appointments.Groups, another exception occurs.

When I attempt to execute the matching('Appointments', ...) method, it cannot format the DateTime fields correctly.

Very weird, but this works. I needed to include the type parameter in both the between and eq expressions.

$query->newExpr()->between('Appointments.dtBeginn', $uhrzeitbeginn, $uhrzeitende, 'datetime')

When you add the association ‘Appointments’ to contain() and you have no other associations it works without the ‘datetime’ parameter. However, i have matching(‘Appointments.Groups’ in my query, which includes to load the ‘appointments’ association, and then it doesn’t work without the 4th parameter.