Form not posting - Help!

The code below will not post with <?= $this->Form->create($users) ?> <— this however it does cause a post with this <?= $this->Form->create() ?> Notice the create is without a parameter, how do I pass a parameter in create and still have it create a form with a post?

<? $this->extend('/Common/view'); ?>
<?= $this->Form->create($users) ?> <?= __('Edit User') ?> <?= $this->Form->control('username') ?> <?= $this->Form->control('first_name') ?> <?= $this->Form->control('last_name') ?> <?= $this->Form->control('email') ?> <?= $this->Form->label('Role') ?> <?= $this->Form->select('role', ['Admin', 'Employee']); ?> <?= $this->Form->button(__('Submit')); ?> <?= $this->Form->end() ?>

i fixed this by doing this <?= $this->Form->create($users, [‘type’ => ‘post’]) ?>