Anything to do with the new Empty entity created (looks like it is because of missing javascript), here ( check the image) it is created just for the base model, nothing for the HABTM model, how do we create empty entity for both base model and HABTM model?
Strange, i checked on another page with a HasOne association, that script is create automatically just by calling newEmptyEntity on the base model in the controller
I searched for it a long time, when pasted it had indend, after posting all smashed to the left…how should it be done?
I have attached print of code on my computer
Not sure what your link is about? should it help in the discussion?
Any feedback why working when using $this->Form->error(‘cats.’.$key.’._joinData.fare’) it works and why it’s not automated as per HasOne association, anything missing in the form helper for HABTM for version 4?
It’s about how to format your post so that data shows like it’s supposed to, instead of needing to post it as a screen shot.
I haven’t gotten to Cake 4 yet, so no feedback for you on why error display isn’t working. Just trying to help you improve your post so that the people that might know are more likely to actually read and understand it.