In a CakePhp 2.5 application i have a rule, saying that blocked users can not login, at AppController (‘scope’ => array(‘User.access’ => 1),).
How can i enable access to only two methods for the blocked users ?
Make sure they can not access all the others methods.
Make sure they can not access all the others controllers.
In appController i declare in the scope property, there i say that User.access having 1 can login, so blocked users can not login.
I already do remove scope property :
//'scope' => array('User.access' => 1),
I try at appController into the beforeFilter using $this->Auth->deny();
and after
but the users still access all methods.
The original access control uses permissions.ini file
AppController :
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array('authenticate' => array(
'Form' => array(
'userModel' => 'User',
'scope' => array('User.access' => 1),
Is there a way to filter blocked users ( they have User.access = 0 ) and allow only two needed methods ?