I need help to convert Mysql query into cakephp 3.5. The query is for calculate player ranking base on column “points”. I test the query and work fine but I dont have the expertise to convert to ORM query builder cake.
FROM view_ent_users)) as rank
FROM view_ent_users
WHERE nickname = ‘Sebass’
Active record (cakes orm) is a shortcut language (not a programming language) and not sql, but at runtime gets converted right back to the normal sql in order to be executed.
Look at them like linq-to-sql in asp,net was a shortcut language. But even in laravel when a query starts getting too complex, or group by is needed, or a union, or a large amount of data, the orm isn’t so great.
But that’s up to you. You also have the option of getting the pdo instance and write a regular query, i.e.
$connection = ConnectionManager::get('default');
$result = $connection->execute('SELECT COUNT(dogid) as total FROM dc_dogs WHERE adopted = 0')->fetchAll('assoc');
The pdo instance also allows for proper data binding using $stmt->bindValue, as example.
I have not done a guide here, but I did a guide for laravel. See
A quick tutor. Say you want to run some normal PDO in cake, but not bloat your controller. Here is quick example
Just a test model for example:
namespace App\Model\SMVC;
use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager as CM; // CM is shorter
class TestModel {
public static function getDogs($offset = "", $rowsperpage = "", $adopted = 0) {
$pagingQuery = "LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowsperpage}";
$dbh = CM::get('default');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM dc_dogs WHERE adopted = :adopted ORDER BY sex, lastedit DESC " . $pagingQuery;
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(":adopted", $adopted);
return $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
In the calling controller have at top:
use App\Model\SMVC\TestModel as TM; // Again TM shorter, easier
Then in controller method:
public function index() {
// request as required
$dogrows = DBS::dogCount($dogsearch); // paging needs count
$pages = new HelpersPaginator('3', 'p'); //custom pagination
$pageLinks = $pages->pageLinks();
$adopted = 0; // Just passing test variable
$query = TM::getDogs($pages->getLimit2(), $pages->getPerpage(), $adopted);
$this->set('title', 'Dogs');
$this->set(compact('query', 'pageLinks'));
Again just sample usage of native PDO instance, and a way to handle a possible custom query if the ORM or Query builder doesn’t work out for the query.