Convert custom database type in where clause

I am encountering the following issue in CakePHP 5.1.4:

For certain database fields, I have defined a custom database type.

In queries, I would like to use a WHERE clause like this:

    ->where(['customField' => true]);

When i debug that, this query properly triggers the toStatement() and toDatabase() methods in the custom database type.

However, when I add a condition involving an associated table, it doesn’t work:

    ->where(['OtherTable.customField' => true]);

Both fields are defined as custom db type in Model->getSchema() method like this:

if ($schema->hasColumn($column)) {
                $schema->setColumnType($column, 'MyCustomType');

What am I doing wrong, or is this a bug?

I am on CakePHP 5.1.4 and can’t reproduce your problem.

I tested it with the CakePHP provided EnumType, but should still be the same. This is my callstack how it gets to the toDatabase call.

This is with the given query:

$query = $this->FtpDomains->find()
    ->contain(['FtpLoginData', 'RepositoryBranches'])
    ->where(['FtpLoginData.connection_type' => ConnectionType::SFTP]);

so should be the same as yours.

"I tried it today with another sample script, and it worked. Now I found my mistake.
It is important to first add associations with contain() and then the where clause. That was correct in my sample code but not in the real code. :face_with_peeking_eye:

This works:

        $query = $this->MyModel->find('all')

and this don’t work:

        $query = $this->MyModel->find('all')

I hope you understand why the order is important here :grin:

Sure… But the transformation with toDatabase() is triggered only after the $query->all() command, not when adding the condition.

Defining contain first seems logical overall.