Thanks in advance everyone.
here’s my website link:
Server : linux centos / nginx 1.8.0 / php 5.4.1
I can’t set rewrite, In fact, I’ve spent a long time setting up rewrite on nginx, but it’s not always working. I’m planning to abandon rewrite.
- uncomment the line that looks like:
Configure::write(‘App.baseUrl’, env(‘SCRIPT_NAME’));
2.Also remove these .htaccess files:
/app/webroot/.htaccess - change / to ?
old : $output = str_replace(’//’, ‘/’, $base . ‘/’ . $output);
now :$output = str_replace(’//’, ‘/’, $base . ‘?’ . $output);
in the list of links on the homepage, after clicking, it does not jump to the target page. The content of the home page is always displayed. How can jump to the target page via the link? Thank you
Controller : SiteController.php
Action : language
view: Site/language.ctp
<?php echo $this->Html->link($language['name'], array('controller' => 'site', 'action' => 'language', $language['id'])); ?>