Cant time in on database and time out newbie here

public function index()

		$someVariable = $this->request->getData("username"); 
		$stampsTable = TableRegistry::get('Stamps');
		$stamp = $stampsTable->newEntity();
		$dteNow = Date::now();
		$tmeNow = Time::now();
		$answer = $_POST['Type'];  
		if ($answer == 1) {         
		$query = $stampsTable->find()->where(['username' => $someVariable, 'outin' => 1]);	
			if ($query->isEmpty()) 
			$stamp->username = $someVariable;
			$stamp->tin =$tmeNow;
			$stamp->datenow= Date::now();
				if ($stampsTable->save($stamp)) 
				$this->Flash->success(__('The stamp has been saved.'));
			$this->Flash->error(__('The stamp is already existing! Please try again!'));
			$affectedRows=$stampsTable->updateAll(array("tout" => $tmeNow,"outin"=>2),array("username IN" => $someVariable , "dateNow IN"=>$dteNow,"outin"=>1));
			$this->Flash->success(__('The stamp has been saved.'));
			$this->Flash->error(__('Complete the form to proceed!'));
		$this->Flash->error('Access Denied!');
	$users = $this->paginate($this->Users);


Turn on debug and you will get a more verbose error message what will help you identify the source of the error.

this might creating issue as class Date and Time is not found on this scope, you shoud add " \ " or " / " before this class name