CakePHP 4 multiple checkboxes

I want to populate a checkbox group with the array JournalEntry[strategy][strategies_conditions]

I then want to have the checkboxes selected that are contained in JournalEntry[journal_entries_strategy_conditions]

I have the checkboxes displaying but not linked correctly to the correct fields of name and id

This is the code I have in the edit.php

    echo $this->Form->control('journal_id', ['options' => $journals]);
    echo $this->Form->control('ticket_number');
    echo $this->Form->control('strategy_id', ['options' => $strategies, 'empty' => true, 'onChange' => 'getComboA(this)']);
    <div id="stategy-condition">
        <?php echo $this->Form->control('strategy_id', 
                'type' => 'select',
                'multiple' => 'checkbox', 
                'options' => $journalEntry[strategy][strategies_conditions],
                'selected' => $journalEntry[journal_entries_strategy_conditions] 
            ]); ?>

With this I get this output, as you can see it is using the object for the <label> and <input value="1" is set to the id value

<div class="input select">
    <label for="strategy-id">Strategy</label>
        <input type="hidden" name="strategy_id" value="">
        <div class="checkbox">
            <label for="strategy-id-0">
                <input type="checkbox" name="strategy_id[]" value="0" id="strategy-id-0">{
    "id": 1,
    "strategy_id": 5,
    "name": "zxcasd",
    "level": "0",
    "created": "2020-08-01T21:21:11+00:00",
    "modified": "2020-08-01T21:21:11+00:00"
       <div class="checkbox">
            <label for="strategy-id-1">
                <input type="checkbox" name="strategy_id[]" value="1" id="strategy-id-1">{
    "id": 2,
    "strategy_id": 5,
    "name": "zxcasd",
    "level": "0",
    "created": "2020-08-01T21:21:11+00:00",
    "modified": "2020-08-01T21:21:11+00:00"
         <div class="checkbox">
             <label for="strategy-id-2">
                  <input type="checkbox" name="strategy_id[]" value="2" id="strategy-id-2">{
    "id": 3,
    "strategy_id": 5,
    "name": "zxcad",
    "level": "0",
    "created": "2020-08-01T21:21:11+00:00",
    "modified": "2020-08-01T21:21:11+00:00"

Here is the data:

object(App\Model\Entity\JournalEntry) {

'id' => (int) 20,
'journal_id' => (int) 1,
'ticket_number' => 'sdfsdfsdf',
'strategy_id' => (int) 5,
'timeframe' => '',
'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

	'time' => '2020-08-25 20:51:42.000000+00:00',
	'timezone' => 'UTC',
	'fixedNowTime' => false

'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

	'time' => '2020-08-25 20:51:42.000000+00:00',
	'timezone' => 'UTC',
	'fixedNowTime' => false

'journal_entries_strategy_conditions' => [
	(int) 0 => object(App\Model\Entity\JournalEntriesStrategyCondition) {

		'id' => (int) 8,
		'journal_entry_id' => (int) 20,
		'strategies_condition_id' => (int) 1,
		'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

			'time' => '2020-08-25 20:51:42.000000+00:00',
			'timezone' => 'UTC',
			'fixedNowTime' => false
		'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

			'time' => '2020-08-25 20:51:42.000000+00:00',
			'timezone' => 'UTC',
			'fixedNowTime' => false
'strategy' => object(App\Model\Entity\Strategy) {

	'id' => (int) 5,
	'user_id' => (int) 1,
	'name' => 'zxcasd',
	'description' => 'zxcasd',
	'one_hundred_trades' => (int) 0,
	'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

		'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
		'timezone' => 'UTC',
		'fixedNowTime' => false
	'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

		'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
		'timezone' => 'UTC',
		'fixedNowTime' => false
	'strategies_conditions' => [
		(int) 0 => object(App\Model\Entity\StrategiesCondition) {

			'id' => (int) 1,
			'strategy_id' => (int) 5,
			'name' => 'zxcasd',
			'level' => '0',
			'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

				'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
				'timezone' => 'UTC',
				'fixedNowTime' => false
			'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

				'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
				'timezone' => 'UTC',
				'fixedNowTime' => false
			'[new]' => false,
			'[accessible]' => [
				'strategy_id' => true,
				'name' => true,
				'level' => true,
				'created' => true,
				'modified' => true,
				'strategy' => true
		(int) 1 => object(App\Model\Entity\StrategiesCondition) {

			'id' => (int) 2,
			'strategy_id' => (int) 5,
			'name' => 'zxcasd',
			'level' => '0',
			'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

				'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
				'timezone' => 'UTC',
				'fixedNowTime' => false
			'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

				'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
				'timezone' => 'UTC',
				'fixedNowTime' => false
		(int) 2 => object(App\Model\Entity\StrategiesCondition) {

			'id' => (int) 3,
			'strategy_id' => (int) 5,
			'name' => 'zxcad',
			'level' => '0',
			'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

				'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
				'timezone' => 'UTC',
				'fixedNowTime' => false
			'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {

				'time' => '2020-08-01 21:21:11.000000+00:00',
				'timezone' => 'UTC',
				'fixedNowTime' => false

'[new]' => false,