I tried a lot to solve the authentication in Cake PHP 4, but I couldn’t even when the page link to login template
I try to see it in the browser, it gives the following error, both Application.php is set and app.php, I also checked autoload in composer.json with GPT chat, but finally it doesn’t give the following error. I know what to do:
# No authenticators loaded. You need to load at least one authenticator.
ROOT\vendor\cakephp\authentication\src\Middleware\AuthenticationMiddleware.phpat line68in Authentication\AuthenticationService->authenticate(edit)
{ |
$service = $this->getAuthenticationService($request); |
`` | |
try { |
$result = $service->authenticate($request); |
} catch (AuthenticationRequiredException $e) { |
$body = new Stream('php://memory', 'rw'); |
$body->write($e->getBody()); |
$response = new Response(); |