I have two models, named Post and Comment, which are linked by Post hasMany Comment and Comment belongsTo Post.
I want to fetch all posts with the first five comments each. I would use this code:
‘Comments’ => function($q) {
return $q
->order(‘created ASC’)
This works incorrectly with the limit(). Please help to solve this.
I used this example:
How to limit contained associations per record/group?
I tried to like this (in Post model):
$this->hasOne(‘TopComments’, [
‘className’ => ‘Comments’,
‘strategy’ => ‘select’,
‘conditions’ => function (\Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression $exp, \Cake\ORM\Query $query) {
[‘CommentsFilter’ => ‘comments’],
‘TopComments.post_id = CommentsFilter.post_id’,
‘TopComments.created < CommentsFilter.created’
return $exp->add([‘CommentsFilter.id IS NULL’]);
In Post controller:
‘TopComments’ => function($q) {
return $q
->order(‘TopComments.created ASC’)
Unfortunately this does not work. I do not know where I’m wrong.