CakePHP 2.10.13 auth (session/cookie lifetime)


This is the AppController.php:

    public $components = array(
	  'Auth' => array(
	    'loginRedirect' => array(
		  'controller' => 'pages',
		  'action' => 'display',
		'logoutRedirect' => array(
		  'controller' => 'pages',
		  'action' => 'display',
		'authenticate' => array(
		  'Form' => array(
		    'fields' => array( 'username' => 'user_login', 'password' => 'user_pass' ),
			'passwordHasher' => 'Phpass'
		'authorize' => array('Controller')

This is the core.php:

      Configure:: write( 'Session', array(
        'defaults' => 'php',
        'timeout' => 2160, // 36 hours
        'ini' => array(
            'session.gc_maxlifetime' => 129600 // 36 hours

After login, I check in Chrome browser, the “CAKEPHP” cookie lifetime/expire is good, 36 hours, but few hours logged out. Why?

Please help me. Thanks.

I know, my CakePHP is old, but now I can’t upgrade.

It works:

Configure:: write( 'Session', [
  'defaults' => 'cake',
  'timeout' => 4320, // 3 days
] );