Bug authentification

Hello everybody !

I come to you because for a few months I have a bug that I can not find a solution and that is why I turn to you hoping to find a fix.

This bug is encountered when a user logs on and the connection is denied because the password is incorrect while a few hours before he could log in without any problems.

I’m hoping u have a solution for me.

Thank everyone .

We need more information to help… cake version, some code: AppController auth component configuration etc

Auth in AppController :

            $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
                'authenticate' => [
                    'Form' => [
                        'fields' => [
                            'username' => 'username',
                            'password' => 'password'
                'loginAction' => [
                    'controller' => 'Users',
                    'action' => 'login'
                'loginRedirect' => [
    				'controller' => 'Pages',
    				'action' => 'display',
                'logoutRedirect' => [
    				'controller' => 'Users',
    				'action' => 'login',
            $this->Auth->config('authenticate', [
    			'Form' => ['contain' => 'Droits'],

CakePHP v3.0