Multiple paginations in one controller

I have one models. I want to paginate them in one view. The problem is that when I go to the next page of one model, for example Post, the other model (Comment), also goes to the next page.

I want to multiple pagination in one view in tab content .
i want to filter data like :

1. All member list.
2.Male member List
3. Female member list

I want fetch data from Users model in users controller and show in view in tabbing form like Allmember,Malemember ,femalemember

Have you tried loading each of the lists using ajax? That is usually the most straight forward way of paginating multiple lists in the same page.

add "[‘scope’ => ‘categories’]
In Controller:

$this->pagination(…,[‘scope’ => ‘your model’]);

In View:

<?= $this->Paginator->prev('< ' . __('previous'),['model'=>'your model']) ?> <?= $this->Paginator->numbers(['model'=>'your model']) ?> <?= $this->Paginator->next(__('next') . ' >',['model'=>'your model']) ?>

similar for counter,first and last.