Class not found after authentication installed

I have no idea what you are doing but I can’t reproduce any problems on my side executing the 3 commands from above. Without a proper way to reproduce this I can’t help you.


Thanks for trying, KevinPfeiffer. There must be something wrong with my operating system. I think I will set up a dual boot of windows and linux.

You don’t need to dual boot, using either a virtual machine or Docker is more than enough.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m going to use Linux instead because I’m paranoid that someone is spying on my computer. My friend who is a programmer said that it’s not possible for anyone to spy on me on Linux.

I know I’m going to regret this, but let me just tell you, that Linux is not a 100% safeguard against anyone spying on you…

No idea why your friend thinks like that, because any system - no matter which operating system - can be compromised via all kinds of different ways…

But if you are so paranoid to think this way (or be influenced to think this way) I’d rather recommend you look for another profession…

I asked my friend why he thought Linux was more secure than Windows and he sent me the following 2 links:

I never said that Linux is less secure than windows.

All I am saying is, that if someone wants to spy on you or hack you linux is not a 100% safeguard against that.

Windows itself is known to “phone home” to good old microsoft a bunch of user metrics without the user knowing. You surely won’t have that with Linux but thats not what I am talking about.

“Linux is more secure than Windows” and “Linux is not 100% secure” are not mutually exclusive statements.

I think it’s safe to say that most PHP developers work on Linux. Not necessarily because it’s more secure, but because it’s where their work is eventually likely to be deployed, and that helps to eliminate compatibility issues. (There’s tons of people have posted here about issues resulting from Windows having a case-insensitive file system, for example, which can mask issues that will come up when the app is deployed to a Linux server.) If you’re normally a Windows person and want to work on Linux just for PHP, then things like Docker are a great way to do that.

It may also be easier to get help for problems if you’re working on Linux, just because there are that many more potential helpers who are familiar with that environment. It’s not that people won’t help you because you’re on Windows. It’s that we just don’t know how to help you fix permissions problems there, because we’ve never had to do that.

I made a dual boot of Windows and Linux. After installing a few PHP modules, enabling some extensions in php.ini, and changing some permissions, LAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04.1 became functional. The authentication plug-in was straightforward and by simply following the instructions at the tutorial, I had no further problems with it.