[Solved] Formfield Input "Ephedra" makes Error 403

I have a simple form with a text field.
When I enter the word Ephedra, I get forbidden error 403. When I enter the word Ephedrx oder Aphedra or anything else, it works fine.
Can you please give me an idea what to do?

On my loacal installation with XAMPP it works fine.
The database mysql accepts the word Ephedra when I enter it with phpMyAdmin. As soon as I want to edit it with my form, I get again error 403.

I also tried with http://… as well as with https://… It did not make any difference.

I am working with Cake 3.5.2, PHP 7.1.14 and MySQL 5.6.33 on a Apache Server.

The form looks like follows:
echo $this->Form->create(Null, [‘class’ => “Formularbox”]);
echo $this->Form->input('name_latein ', [‘required’ => false]);
echo $this->Form->button(‘Speichern’, [‘type’ => ‘submit’, ‘class’ => ‘Button’]);
echo $this->Form->end();

Thank you for any help.

The problem is solved.
The provider has locked this entrance because of safety.